Yep, I really said that. And if you happened to read my post on December 12, 2012 ("Our Season of Miracles"), you'd know why—because magic runs in my family. This isn't the slick, carny type of "magic" that you pay for at traveling circuses, but rather, a deep intuitive knowing brought on by the life-or-death issues my family grappled with years ago. We were forced to tap into a "spiritual stream" to survive & then thrive, and I believe this "knowing" is available to everyone. But for reasons I don't quite fully understand, my sisters & I became particularly gifted conduits. So during the party while I gave readings, I watched the guests' eyes grow wide, some even filling with tears, as one by one I went up to each person, touched him or her on the arm, and revealed what kind of energy surrounded their situation and would bear influence on events in the future. Cathartic doesn't even begin to describe their reactions! I received exclamations of relief and hugs, even though I was forced to give some people difficult news—because it confirmed to them that their challenges are real and need to be taken seriously. And more importantly, they could now see a way forward (because I always offer positive steps).
And in that moment, something happened to me, too.
I felt like the "stream" had become a full-blown river through sharing—through allowing love & healing to flow and spread freely, with no thought for personal gain. And inside, I heard a sacred voice (the one I always recognize as coming from my angels) telling me that I should do this more often.
But that's crazy talk, isn't it? I was too tired after the party to think about it much (we didn't get home until 2 am), so it wasn't until the next day that I felt my angels tap me harder on the shoulder. My family and I were taking a hike through a beautiful stretch of California wilderness overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
The sun was shining & it was delightfully warm (in January!), and my heart stirred at the gorgeous view (yes, that stretch of azure in the background is the sea). Then all of a sudden, a rather plump coyote trotted past us! Completely unafraid, he ascended a hill overlooking the ocean and stood for the longest time, just gazing at the sea. Flabbergasted, I whipped out my cell phone and took a picture of him:
I have twin boys & I saw two coyotes that day—the "double" blessing abounds
And in that moment, on that high hill in the California wilderness, I suddenly realized that I would do my part in allowing the love & healing of the sacred source to flow to others by offering my intuitive readings for free on my blog. Like the coyotes looking out at the sea, this is my way of appreciating & participating in the source that nourishes us all. So if you would like to receive an intuitive reading, please follow the instructions below:
Directions to receive a free intuitive reading:
1. Put your name (or a pseudonym) in the "comments" section of my blog below this entry and write, "I would like a free reading." IMPORTANT: DO NOT TELL ME YOUR PROBLEM OR CHALLENGE. That causes me to want to "fix" the issue or "make things better," which skews the reading. It's best if my ego gets out of the way & I just allow the angels to speak through me so that the information remains pure. 2. I'm not a substitute for medical/psychiatric/legal help. I can only offer spiritual solace, so if you are in need of such assistance, please see a professional. Also, I don't offer financial advice—only spiritual upliftment. Any words that come through me should resonate with what you know to be true for you. If it doesn't, then I am not the right conduit for you! You should ask your angels to guide you to someone who is more attune with your needs.
3. My readings for this month are free. If you want to return the "karmic favor", please consider joining my blog & buying my books—that's the best way to support what I do : )
May your year be filled with abundance,
& may you experience double the magic in all that you do!
I would like a free reading.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
Jane! I'm so honored that you're the first reading on my blog (my heart's aflutter : ). So here goes: Jane—you're going to encounter some rough patches that will break your heart. I don't want to lie to you. There are some situations or people that you have invested love in that will crack or slip away. I know it's hard, but you need to allow that process to be what it is (like water flowing over your hands—no resistance). This will be a spiritual test for you and you are going to come through it with shining colors! I see a laurel wreath around you—your goodness, generosity, and strength of character are going to shine and anything you think you have lost will be made up for somehow. All of this is because of the quality of your strong & vibrant spirit that you uphold, no matter what. You are a huge light to others.
Delete~Many blessings!
Acutually...that is a very good I am in the process of releasing an old relationship...that needs to be released...Awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThank you so much are a blessing!
I would like a free reading!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, Laura—I'm so delighted you're here! So here goes: Ooh, ride the emotional waves, Laura. Right now you are in an unevan phase where you feel like things are tossing you left and right, and it's hard to maintain your equilibrium. But whether you realize it or not, so many people look up to your ability to not only weather tough situations but also to be a role model of how to do so. Don't worry—you are going to move towards smoother waters. The more you keep calm and keep doing what you know to be right (staying firm in your convictions but remaining flexible when needed), the sooner you will glide towards where you want to be. I also want to caution you to rest. We can't be strong & calm all of the time. Believe it or not, taking time to rest and restore your soul will actually help you achieve your goals.
Delete~Many blessings!
Hi Bree—thanks for visiting my blog! Here goes: Whoa, you are carrying a full load and being quite valiant in pushing through to complete the things that are important to you. I know it's tough, but press on! Your end is in sight! And when you reach it (through tenacity & hard work), you are going to feel a new sense of freedom in your life. Sometimes people might perceive you as being a little distant because of your obligations right now, but they're misunderstanding the amount of focus all of this really requires from you. Let any comments roll off your back—soon your cup will runneth over with the joy you'll feel in reconnecting with others in a fun and positive way.
ReplyDelete~Many blessings!
Hello Diane,
ReplyDeleteI would love a free reading of spiritual uplifting!
Thank you for stopping by! Here is my reading for you: Yay! You are attracting abundance into your life. This may even come through very unexpected sources (so don't be rigid about where your think blessings have to come from : ). Although you may have had to work very hard in the past, have faith, because you are now in the flow of bounty and good things. I have a particularly good feeling about spring—that you're going to make some lovely breakthroughs come springtime. You can't always "will" or "force" these things to happen—the best thing to do is to maintain consistency in your work ethic but to also face each day and challenge with an open and grateful. Such openness allows the Universe to flow abundance to you—and allows you to be prepared to receive it : )
Deletemany blessings to you and all your endeavors~
I would like a free reading. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHello & thanks for coming by! Here is your reading: This is a time in life when you really need to listen to your heart & allow the Universe to bring your path into focus. You are doing a marvelous job of being steady and consistent, but you need fresh avenues as well. Follow your intuition towards what makes your heart leap and gives your life meaning. It's okay—you can trust this inner voice! You are not a fly-by-night individual, your feet are on the ground, so don't be afraid to spread your wings and fly from time to time. You will return to earth just fine. I also see you doing well in your work area with a measured approach that isn't afraid to dream at the same time. Have patience—in time you are going to fulfill your fondest desires : )
ReplyDeleteI would love a free reading. Thanks much!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by, Risa! Here is your reading: You are entering a phase where you will be taking bold leadership steps in your life—and you are going to be rewarded for your vision and courage! This is a time to dream your big dreams and believe they will happen. Don't waste time mulling over why things can't come true for you—the energy you put forth with your faith and concrete steps of action is going to attract every positive thing you need. I get a real feeling that the angels are already lined up to help you! All you need to do is be that brave conduit—invest time in envisioning exactly what you want, make it very clear in your mind (or even in a dream book or vision board), and then expect the best. Good things are coming your way : )
ReplyDeleteThank-you. I really loved the reading.
Wishing you much goodness in your day.
I'm so glad—thanks for letting me know! Hope your day is delightful : )
DeleteAre you still giving readings, O Magical Double Coyote Goddess?
ReplyDeleteIndeed! Here goes: You are going to be entering a harvest phase soon where your hard work and courage will be rewarded, particularly in practical or business matters. It's important that you continue to move forward with trust in yourself and in the Universe--consistency is the key. But you have created a firm base, the soil from which your future endeavors will grow. It will be slow for quite a while but you're going to start seeing results--I'm getting a very good feeling about spring. Allow the lightness of faith to sustain you and keep your eye on the prize--there will be some events that will surprise you in the future in a good way that you hadn't anticipated, but really it's the Universe's blessing upon your strong character and practical approach. I'm also getting a feeling that you need to remember to take time out to play--with all of the hard work you've put into your life, sometimes you need to step back and allow the blessings to happen. As my mother always used to say, "The angels are attracted by our joy"--and so are miracles! A little revelry from time to time will keep you in the flow of abundance : )
ReplyDeleteOh, you are marvelous.
DeleteWow, Diane, that's quite a bit to be giving away...! Things are going well for me right now, so I wouldn't ask (except maybe for more book sales, LOL). Which leads me in to - you've been holding out on us! I didn't realize you had a new release last month! Going to check out Robin in the Hood now!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jennette! But of course, you know I have to do a reading for you ; ) So here goes: Take the middle path. Right now it's best to exercise dilligence and moderation in all things. Your assured, step-by-step manner is the best way to achieve your goals, so no matter what hits you emotionally or professionally, stay calm and on course. This is the best way to dependable financial increase for you this year. I know it's sounds boring, but you can save your wild & unruly side for your creative writing! In all other areas of your life, smooth and steady is the road to reward. : )
ReplyDeleteJust saw your note on Facebook Diane - thanks! You know me better than I thought - the middle ground, boring but dependable - that's pretty much me to a T! And for the most part, it's served me well. :)
DeleteI am jennifer. would like a free reading please.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, Jennifer! Here goes: Ah, strength of spirit is required from you right now. Anyone can force themselves into a situation and demand their own way, but the kind of strength you need to display is much braver than that--you will be using your diplomatic skills to listen to all sides and be fair in all of your dealings without getting sucked in by heated emotions. If you can maintain your consistency and composure in all areas of your life, soon you will be doing a victory lap! But this kind of success is not fleeting--it's the kind of triumph that you will sustain over the long haul. And because of your positive attitude and even handedness, more lovely opportunities are going to be coming your way : )
DeleteI would like a free reading please.
ReplyDeleteLove your pictures :)
Thanks for the visit, Kate, and for your compliment on my photos! Here is your reading: Abundance & stability are what I'm seeing coming into your life. You have been steadily working hard and you will be reaping the rewards of your dilligence and talents. There may even be recognition soon, not for a flashy performance but for well-cultivated mastery over your fields of endeavor. There's a sense that you've had to put forth a lot of faith and effort over time, but don't worry—your ships will sail in because of the quality of your work and the strength of your character. It may take some time for this to happen, but hang in there--the Universe has you earmarked for success : )
DeleteThank you :)
DeleteHi Dianne,
ReplyDeleteI would love a free reading if you have the time!
Thank you for the incredibly kind offer, I appreciate any insights :)
Sure--and thanks for stopping by! Here goes: I'm seeing you approaching a crossroads right now. The good news is that you have a lot of positive energy surrounding you, so life is about to offer you opportunities. Which will you choose? Take time out to really search your soul about who you want to BE in the next five years. As you take a moment to envision yourself in different scenarios, which one fills you with the most passion & makes you feel like really YOU? That is the road you need to consider! When you imagine yourself fully in a well-rounded way, and you allow excitement to fill your being & drum up the courage to say "YES" to that scenario, you are going to be delighted by the roads that suddenly open up to you. I also see you maturing into a very spiritual & powerful person who contributes positive energy & change in the world. You're going to be coming into your own in key areas of your life & you'll be feeling very strong about what you represent--this is going to be an amazing year!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't aware you did readings. I would love one!
ReplyDeleteThanks Diane!!!
Great to have you! Here is your reading: Fresh Starts! You will soon be branching out into into the new & innovative in your life, and (dare I say it?) this could include a new romance as well! Socially, you are going to be mingling in an open-hearted way & the new people you meet will find you charming & full of good energy. Take advantage of this time! You'll have such a good vibration wherever you go, so why not channel some of that into meeting the kind of people who will help you make your fondest dreams come true? Just remember to be very sincere in all that you do & with the people you meet—for that heartfelt enthusiasm will take you far. Go with the flow and see where this delightful energy will lead. As long as are very true to your kindest & most authentic self, you will see doors fly open that you never thought possible : )
DeleteVery in line with what I've been feeling. Yay! n_n
I would love a free reading please!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Thank you for stopping by! Here is your reading: Oh my—a celebration is at hand. You are going to be recovering from a long & difficult period & have more time to nourish yourself & connect with friends again. Whether you realize it or not, you are going to be receiving unseen angel help, bit by bit, so that all of the things that have troubled you will slowly be resolved, opening up your life to receive new opportunities. So even though life may have weighed you down recently, when you feel things start to lift, trust it! Allow you heart to open & to even celebrate the new brightness coming into your world. Abundance is not only a state of affairs—it's a state of heart! Practice opening your heart to all the love & beauty that is a gift to us each day, and soon, you are going to see the results of a wonderful new flow of abundance in your life : )
DeleteThank You for the reading :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. That was very true as I do have a lot on my plate now. Thank you again!
ReplyDeleteSandy Clifford Yes please, I would like a free reading!
ReplyDeleteSo nice to see you here, Sandy! Here goes: I gotta be honest—some areas of your life will suddenly charge forward to a surprising degree while other areas will coming grinding halt. Go with the flow. Try not to hang onto the things that aren't working & instead walk through the new doors that open. This may leave you feeling topsy turvy for a while, but if you focus on the direction that is truly coming from your heart, in time things will smooth out & you will find peace. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate these transitions & take time out to nurture your body & soul : )
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it, so on the mark, almost scary! Amazing, what a gift. Thank you. You are truely tuned into what is happening in my life right now!