Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Angels Among Us—A True Story

When I was a little girl, I used to hear angels call my name at twilight, or right when I was about to go to sleep. How do I know these were angels and not ghosts? The only thing I can say is because of the way they made me feel. The tone of their voices was always so warm & accepting—transcendentally kind. Yet even to this day I'm not quite sure why I heard them. Perhaps it's because children are not very far from the sacred source where we all come from, so my ears were still attuned? And something about their tone always sounded like an invitation. Not because they wanted anything from me—it was more like a sweet reminder that the sacred is always near. 

But when I turned 15, I actually I heard an angel call out a stern warning. I was cantering my horse up a hill, and clear as a bell, I heard an adult male's voice say, "Your horse is going to spook at that pony at the top of the hill." The voice was very matter of fact, not at all emotional, giving me the impression that it was entirely up to me to respond to the information provided (free will!). Nevertheless, I simply shook my head, wondering if I'd imagined it, and then thought, "How illogical! I gallop my horse on this trail all the time—I'll just tighten up the reins." 

Can you guess how this story ended? When I woke up from the accident I was in the hospital after a period of slipping in & out of a coma. Yes, my horse spooked at that pony and ran straight into a tree, where a thick branch hit me square in the head. Apparently I'd ducked, because the doctor later told me that if the branch had hit me one inch lower, I'd be dead.

Let me tell you—never again in my lifetime have I ignored that angel's voice! It was a huge lesson for me. And particularly when I became a mother and started taking my twin toddlers to playgrounds, I always listened to that cautionary voice that said things like "Look up! There's a man parked in a truck nearby who doesn't belong here." (Yes, this has happened to me more times than I can count). Yet usually these words were warnings or hints of a person's good or bad character—I've never just hung out & chatted with "angels" (at least to my knowledge!).

Until last night. Just as I was about to fall asleep, a sweet blond woman's face appeared very clearly to me. And she said, "I know this sounds strange, but look for those who cast no shadows." And then she smiled and disappeared . . .

I sat up in bed, a bit startled. This wasn't a warning, like usual—it was more like a gentle insight or instruction. And what she said made total sense. If angels really are among us unawares, dressed as seemingly ordinary people, then perhaps you can spot them if they cast no shadows.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought, and the whole incident made me want to start looking! But why had she given me this tidbit of information? Was she inviting me to notice angels more? Since she didn't appear with a halo, wings or a harp, would you be tempted to call an entity like that an angel—or perhaps a ghost? 

Well it's no secret my house is haunted (see my October posts on ghosts!). So I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter—as well as any stories you might have of angels or otherworldly creatures. How do you tell them apart? Do you go by sight or feel, or something else? Feel free to comment below & share your insights. And as you go forth with your day, may your every step be blessed : )

P.S. The subtle presence of angels plays a large part in my young adult novel Robin in the Hood, because the teenage main character Robin is all alone trying to take care of her disabled father the only way she knows how—by robbing banks. Luckily she gets a little help from the angels : )


  1. I don't have any stories like this of my own, but yours gave me chills! It really does make one wonder...

  2. Thanks Jennette—this really happened & it taught me an enormous lesson about listening, even if the voice seems "out of the blue" : )

  3. So my story isn't as amazing but I still think about what happened 15 years ago. I was in San Francisco with my mom, sister and a friend shopping the garment district. We had walked back to our car which was on a very open street (there were no dark alleys or hidden places) when we realized we had locked the keys in the car. Standing around trying to figure out where the nearest phone booth was (no cell phones back then) and who we were going to call for help. Out of nowhere a man appeared, tall with a grey beard wearing jeans and white t-shirt. He was able to unlock the door. We were all so happy and when we turned to thank him he was gone. And I can't explain but he just disappeared on a street where there was nowhere to disappear. He was gone just like that. We all believe it was an angel because there was just no other explanation for his arrival and departure. To this day I can remember in my head exactly how it happened. I completely believe in Angels!

  4. I love your story!! A friend of mine had a similar experience in San Francisco—her daughter darted into a street & out of nowhere a man scooped her up & returned her to safety on the sidewalk, and then disappeared! They looked all around but couldn't spot him anywhere—how could he vanish so quickly? They believe to this day that he was an angel : )

  5. I don't want to talk about it. Every time I do people get weird on me. Thank you for sharing your story Diane.
    Angel and faery Love and Blessings

  6. Thank you for visiting, Liza—it blesses my heart that you stopped by : )

  7. My mom and sisters often told me of how, when I was a baby, they'd leave me sleeping on the bed then find me on the floor, but still sleeping peacefully and without any injuries. We all agreed that it was my guardian angel who always caught me XD And then I read somewhere that dimples were a sign of being touched by an angel, and, well, I have one on both cheeks! :))

    1. Yeah dimples on your butt cheeks lol

  8. Such a sweet story! My husband actually knows someone whose house was struck by a tornado when he was a baby, and he was found a MILE from his home--unharmed. Can you imagine? My twin boys also talked about playing with their "Heaven family" when they were very little—and they named one of them as their sister who had passed away before they were born (but we hadn't told them about her : ) I just think children have a very special connection to the angelic realm.

  9. What a beautiful story. And I love that you have the element of angels in your book, too.

  10. I saw my Guardian Angel when I was in college. I was lost in a rainstorm and was making a u-turn. Suddenly something massive and bright flashed right in front of me. I slammed on my brakes. I immediately thought 'That was my Guardian Angel.' The last thing I had been thinking about was angels the moment before this happened. I was just trying to get my bearings. I looked cliser out the window and saw that I was on a ledge that was over a steep ditch.

    1. Oh my gosh—that story made me clasp my hand over my mouth in shock! What an amazing moment! Thank you so much for sharing—that story is so profound & it made my day : )

  11. I had a friend who knew a woman who was consistently surrounded by angels, especially when she drove. He was driving behind her one day, both his car and hers full of people. She was swerving all over the road (apparently usual) and almost ran over the edge of a rather steep embankment. Everyone in my friends vehicle will swear that they saw four angelic beings appear, lift the car up, and place it back on the road. She didn't even realize what she'd almost done.

    1. Wow—what an amazing story. I wish I could have been there to see it myself. Her guardian angels must be pooped! I wonder if she is a rather pure soul, and that's why the angels surround her so much : )

  12. I was going to be late for work. The light was green on the side street I was travelling and I knew if I didn't get across that main intersection I would have to wait 10-minutes for the light to turn green again. I floored my little Pinto and as I was approaching the intersection a voice said, 'stop the car'. I did as instructed (not knowing at the time exactly why I stopped) and watched as an 18-wheeler ran the red light. I would have been toast. The angelic realm is real and I am happy to hear how more and more people are beginning to listen to the whispers of their angels and connect with their spirit guides. Blessings.

  13. What a beautiful story, Venetta! It made my day to read this--yes, I do believe we are all being guided, if we will listen. Thanks for visiting Bandits Ranch! <3
